I read an article today about the rise in immigration of wealthy Chinese citizens to the US. The top 2 reasons that all of the research identified were better healthcare and education. Seems kind of ironic when you think about the way our media depicts both of these systems. From the “insider” perspective we are constantly bombarded with images, messages, and news stories about the failing state on American education at all levels, as well as a incerasingly low quality and affordable healthcare epidemic. It leads me to wonder if the media in other countries are portraying our conditions to be very different. What exactly is the “outside-in” perspective?
Yhr article also stated that 27% of the wealthiest Chinese have already migrated to the US, with 47% thinking about it and the rest either moving to or currently residing in Canada. This is very intestine considering our largely criticized “western culture”, political issues, and economy.
Still it doesn’t negate the fact that we do have some definite issues to work out with education, healthcare and other systems in this country. Perhaps we should begin by being a little more positive and recognizing that we are still seen by others as a nation of opportunity and promise which can become increasingly better with change.
When it comes to Chinese immigrants it would seem like the issue would be having greater control over what their children learn and the quality of health care.
In the west you can get the best education you can afford. If you are wealthy you don’t have to deal with the abysmal conditions that some public schools are in. You can go where the best education is, no matter where it might be and if its in the US, thats where you go.
As for health care, its the same issue. If you can afford it, you can get the best health care on the planet right here in the states. What we see on the news is the plight that most Americans face, no health care, or dependent on work for insurance. Most of us cannot afford the astronomical price of being being treated or cured as evidenced by 50% of all personal debt being medically related.