I am a large proponent of brown kids learning to program, I feel that its the greatest untapped resource for empowerment that we have today. Its accessible to all, the tools are free and just about everyone has a computer at home or access to a computer in some form or fashion. You don’t need a powerful machine or a current machine, and it has no limits of time or formal structure.
With that being said:
Scratch is a free educational programming language for kids, available in 50 different languages and runs on just about any modern computer: Linux, Macintosh, or Windows. The new guide book, Super Scratch Programming Adventure!, was authored by The LEAD Project (Learning through Engineering, Art, and Design), in Hong Kong, to make Scratch more accessible to children around the world by teaching them how to use it.
If you have children out there and a computer, then I would highly encourage you to introduce them to this if you would like to increase their competitiveness in a world where the programmer gets paid 10 times more than the player, because most of them are not going to be professional athletes or entertainers, no matter how cute they are.