I have been thinking about this, and I believe that the fear and intimidation that the cops use on US is the same that they use on everyone else. they intimidate all parties into submission, because the last thing anyone wants is their dogs off the leash. Since there is no citizen oversight, because the citizens are scared of each other, they think that at least if we have the cops on our sides, then we can keep the blacks from getting us! they are our only defense! So blacks and browns and some no good whites get murdered because they cannot undermine the ability of the police to use the force they deem necessary in the field, because if they do, then we’ll get them and we are also putting the lives of cops in danger.
its total bovine feces. It makes me angry and it just goes to show how pathological this country is. Fear rules every decision that they make which is why they are so morally corrupt and bankrupt of any real value(s).
True true. But what we don’t want to get to is the 1940’s KKK lynch mob “We say he’s guilty, so string him up, after we break into this liquor store!” mindset either.
I’m ALL about making noise and will speak my mind regarding social issues. That is a given. We just don’t want to injure our case acting wildly, out of control, and scaring the straights who otherwise would be on our side. There is that to consider.
“Burn the bitch down” is not acceptable conduct no matter what. The KKK had to be pleased with what happened after, as black businesses were burnt down by fellow blacks.
I think the normal response would be that it’s a tricky situation, but its not all that tricky. The problem starts at the top, and it may take 20 years to fix completely as it’s a reflection of society as a whole. We’re controlled by fear and encouraged to take the most extremem actions instead of the smart one.
The first step would be to increase citizen overwatch of the police and increase the accountability. The interest in that should be first. Find prosecutors that are not afraid of police organizations, and seek punishments just as harsh on police as they are for the people that they kill recklessly. The very first step has to be police cameras, studies show that they help. The rules would be simple, keep your camera on for your shift, if the camera goes off or malfuctions you are taken off duty.
overall, there needs to be a greater emphasis on the psychological and emotional health of police officers. They are clearly not screened for intelligence or compassion, and this doesn’t mean all cops are bad, but there are too may cops out there that think they are going to “fix the problem” or “win the war”, just as there are too many politicians, gun nuts and citizens who think the same way.
Upholding the law is not like any other job, but it doesn’t mean that those who do it should be free of humanity, self control or compassion. As a matter of fact, I remember when those that upheld the law were held to a higher standard that most, it’s clearly not the same anymore.