And….the “Race” is on……..

 “To accept your country without betraying it, you must love it for that which shows what it might become. America — this monument to the genius of ordinary men and women, this place where hope becomes capacity, this long, halting turn of ‘no’ into the ‘yes’ — needs citizens who love it enough to re-imagine and re-make it.” – Cornell West

In a day and time in which we have the opportunity to be so privileged a society with technology and advances in a multitude of other areas…how sad it is that we have so many avenues and venues to utilize in order to express our thoughts and opinions, and when it comes to politics we are still so limited…so simple. In a democratic nation where the freedom to choose, vote, and elect “by the people, for the people” is said to be the very basis of our continued fortitude, why is it that we still cannot simply debate our platforms and issues in a meaningful way not to disillusion or hoodwink those that have the power to elect, but to enlighten them. We continue to reduce ourselves to the lowest forms of integrity by mudslinging and using passive aggressive undertones to represent what we stand for. And in all honesty, what would that be? A house divided? A nation in civil unrest? Hate? Continued inequality? Though democracy is often and should often be celebrated, my fear is that this 2012 election will take away from our ability to be civil and to truly make decisions for the future of our nation that will empower and uplift us instead of dividing and conquering. My advice for all of you would be to remain informed. Do not take anyone else’s information for and trust if for your own. Investigate both sides of the coin and stay tuned…..




One thought on “And….the “Race” is on……..

  1. Technology and society as a whole is advancing, but the problem is the issue of self hatred and low self esteem of many that is woven into the fabric of America is not. We are based on racism, indulge in racism and love racism, simply because it makes those who practice it feel better about themselves.
    As for people calling the President of the United States a nigger, what does one expect? White people of this country, especially the newly poor and regular, are in a state of anger that they can only blame on those who are easy to scapegoat. Its part of what I call the “American Asshole Syndrome”. At this point in our history there is nothing that trumps the individuals needs, not community, not society and surely not patriotism.

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