The following is a quote from an article entitled “Honestly, the Jobs Outlook Is Bleak Because the GOP Wants It That Way” by Imara Jones at, one of our favorite sites.
At every turn, congressional Republicans have stonewalled President Obama on jobs. But if his proposals were fully implemented, our economy would have added 257,000 jobs more in June. That’s three times greater than what we actually added and close to the 300,000-jobs-a-month mark we must hit to put a real dent in joblessness.
Its well worth it to read the entire article, but to sum it up in my own words, if the GOP weren’t such a bunch of self centered dicks who can’t pull their heads out of their asses entitled anti poor asses, then we could make come progress in this country. But they are still so angry about Obama winning that they act like a bunch of 8 year olds who won’t play with the person that is smarter and more popular than them. And because we have so many people out there who are of the same mind set the whole country is mired in a recession, even though the Cheif Executive Officer has a plan, that is at least a plan, as opposed to just being opposed to everything proposed.