Race 2012

I would like to give a shout out to PBS and their recent program . I examine the way that race affects America today, to paraphrase:

“Race used to be all about Black and White in this country, now it can no longer be that way because the country is more brown than ever and that color is coming from more than just African Americans.”

I don’t use the term African American, Black people had more to do with the building of this country than any other racial group or ethnicity. I say that because we didn’t come here on our own accord to get a piece of the White American dream. Anyway, it seems that no matter what race or whatever you are you, when you come to America, you have to choose as to whether you are going to try to be white, or you are going to be “Black”, its not fair, and it’s not right, but either you are “Good White Folk” or you are a “Nigger just like the rest of them”.
But back to the program, thee guests thoroughly broke down how race affects politics today and how it came to be like it is. I mess of a transition of a predominately white power structure who can’t be too white or too black because of racial tension, but then they dropped the bomb and started to talk about class…

Please watch, it’s highly recommended!

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