As I read through the Congressional Update Emails that I receive regularly, there was a passage on the “Health Care Mandate” from the July 9th email that struck my attention, and I wanted to share. Please keep in mind that the following passage comes directly from the Congressional Update Email. These are not my words, thoughts, or opinions. I wanted to share this to hopefully begin a healthy discourse on the issue(s) at hand. Feel free to let me know what you think!
Congressional Update July 9, 2013
Howdy Texans!
Delaying Employer Health Care Mandate
Late in the day on July 2, the Obama Administration announced it will delay the requirement, under the Affordable Care Act, that all employers with more than 50 employees provide health care coverage to their workers until after the 2014 elections. The president’s health care law is such a “train wreck” and so detrimental to our nation’s job creators that the administration is now delaying implementation of one of its central components. This delay proves that the administration has come to realize the draconian effects the law will have on job creators and the American public. The administration’s delay, as implementation begins to unfold, reaffirms the fact that president’s health care law will harm employers, raise health care costs, and as a result, destroy jobs. Furthermore, it appears that the administration’s decision was at least partially driven by politics as it delayed the start of this component until after the mid-term Congressional elections, presumably to avoid potential election year losses.
Since first being elected to Congress in 2010, I have voted over three dozen times to repeal, dismantle and defund the president’s health care law. Delaying implementation of this bureaucrat-controlled, budget-busting, job-destroying law will not solve the underlying problems of this ill-conceived move toward government-controlled health care. I, along with my fellow House Conservatives, remain committed to repealing and replacing the president’s health care law with legislation that will focus on private-sector solutions with inputs from patients, health care providers, and health insurance providers. Hardworking American families deserve commonsense health care reforms that strengthen the doctor-patient relationship and give them a say in their health care.
What do you think?
I believe that the Republican party has no interest in anything but the rich and are completely out of touch with the anyone but the rich. They continue to vote against things with no alternate solution, much like the spoiled child that doesn’t want anyone but themselves to have anything.