- The official name for Obama Care is the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” or ACA
- The ACA has 2 Major Goals: (1) to provide more Americans with access to affordable, quality health insurance, and (2) to reduce the growth in US healthcare spending.
- Private health insurance will not be replaced by the ACA. Medicare or Medicaid will not be replaced either.
- Many of the provisions of the ACA have already been enacted! The rest of the program will be implemented between 2014 and 2022.
- Over 100 million Americans have already benefited from many of the provisions.
- The plan includes provisions that prevent insurance companies from dropping you when you get sick, or if you make an honest mistake on your application.
- The plan includes provisions that prevent gender discrimination, regulate bad practices on the part of the for-profit health care industry, and prevents unjustified rate increases or hikes.
- Under the ACA, employers must cover people with pre-existing health conditions.
- Most Americans will have to obtain health coverage by 2014, get an exemption, or pay a fee. This is called an Individual Mandate.
- Open enrollment will take place from October 1st 2013 until March 31st 2014. People can enroll in their state’s marketplace. You can find your state’s marketplace here http://obamacarefacts.com/state-health-insurance-exchange.php
Additional Information and details on the information provided above can be found at http://obamacarefacts.com.