Programming is for you

the top 10 programming languages in 2013

It may seem like I push programming a lot to my friends and other people I know, and they are right especially for minorities. See the computer field is not like other fields, where you need to have degrees and there are lots of barriers to entry. For the majority of the to 10 languages (including 4 of the top 5) all it takes to get started is to download the program and get started. perl, python and php, ruby and javascript are free to download, free to learn, all the documentation is free, there are tutorials that are free, videos, support groups, etc, etc. So there is no reason why anyone cannot at least give it a try. The most common and wide spread language in the world HTML, is simple and easy to use and can introduce the basics to anyone.

The gap between facebook users and facebook producers is widening faster than the gap between the 99 and 1 percent, and the real shame of it is that unlike the 1% no one is trying to stop you from learning a skill that is not only in demand, but fundamental to the way we live our lives and will continue to be more integral in the future. As for minority youth who have fewer and fewer opportunities to get ahead, this is the big welcome mat to a better life.

P.S. I signed up for a free course in python from Coursera so I’m not just talking.

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