Geraldo Rivera recently said “hip hop has done more damage to Black and Brown people than racism in the last 10 years” What do you think? Rivera on Hip Hop and Racism
Monthly Archives: February 2015
Music and Black Youth: Open Discussion
This morning while watching News One Now with Roland Martin, Chuck D (Founder of Public Enemy, Artist/Musician, & Activist) commented on the connection between African Americans and music. He mentioned that taking away music programs in inner city schools is a detriment to Black Youth because Black people are gifted when it comes to musicianship and this limits the ability to pass on music education and the artistry to black youth. From what I understood, he did not directly say that this was a “conspiracy” to take away music from Black people, but it did make me wonder if there may be a hidden agenda behind the removal of important arts programs in public schools, especially those in urban education districts. So I will pose the question for open discussion: Is the removal of music programs in inner-city (or urban) K-12 schools a conspiracy that will have a negative impact on Black Youth?
This is true
Imagine America without Black People.
For everyone that comes across this post, I want you to really sit back and think about what life in this country would be like if Black people had never been chained and delivered to this country. I would great appreciate if you spent just a little bit of your mental time to consider exactly what it would be like if Blacks were never brought to North America, The Carribean, South America. This is not something that should be lightly considered.
If you would, please share with me your thoughts on the comments. I’m interested in knowing what you come up with.
I’ll start it off: If there were no Blacks, there would be not be a monopoloy on music by 6 record companies. There would be no allied victory in WWII and there surely would be internet for you to read this post on.